Best Tummy Tuck Surgery Treatment Doctor In Rajouri Garden New Delhi


Best Tummy Tuck Surgery Treatment Doctor In Rajouri Garden New Delhi

Tired of too much flab that doesn’t allow you to have the taut tummy you want? No need to lose hope as Tummy Tuck or Abdominoplasty can help you tighten muscles in the abdominal wall and remove extra fat and skin for a firmer and smoother abdominal profile.

Other than reducing the waistline, tummy Tuck is also useful for individuals who want to remove stretch marks and excess skin in the lower abdomen area below the belly button. It may also be performed alongside other body contouring cosmetic procedures like breast surgery. If liposuction had been previously performed on you to remove fat, you may opt for this cosmetic procedure, as liposuction can only remove tissue just under the fat and skin but not any excess skin.

Who Are the Best Candidates For a Tummy Tuck?

● Tummy Tuck procedure is ideal for both healthy men and women.
● It is also an excellent choice for women who have had several pregnancies and want to
reduce saggy skin and tighten abdominal muscles.
● Tummy Tuck is also a good choice for obese men and women.

It is important to note that Tummy Tuck is not usually recommended to women who plan to get pregnant, and they must postpone the plan to have this surgery until they want to bear a child again. This medical procedure should be the last option for individuals who are not able to lose weight through diet and exercise.

Abdominoplasty is also not advised to smokers or individuals with a body mass index that is greater than 30. This cosmetic procedure is also not recommended to individuals who suffer from severe chronic conditions like diabetes or heart diseases.

How Procedure is done?
Tummy Tuck is performed in an outpatient surgical facility or a hospital. The surgeon would put you under general anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain or discomfort. Before starting with the procedure, the surgeon would make incisions to remove most of the fat and skin between the belly button and pubic hair in a horizontal elliptical or oval shape. Thereafter, the connective tissue that lies over your abdominal muscles is tightened by using permanent sutures. 

After this, the surgeon would reposition your skin around the belly button that would be brought 
out by the surgeon through a small incision and then sutured in its normal position. The surgeon would then proceed to stitching the incision from hip to hip above the pubic hair. 

The procedure generally lasts for about 1-3 hours and has a success rate of 80-90 percent. 

Once the surgeon has performed the Tummy Tuck, the belly button and abdominal incision 
would probably be covered with surgical dressing. The surgeon and the support staff might place small tubes along the incision site for draining any excess fluid or blood. The surgeon’s support staff would help you walk as early as the first day after the surgery so that you stay in good shape. In case you experience any pain or discomfort, the surgeon or another member of their health care team would prescribe pain medications along with a blood-thinning medication for a short time after your tummy tuck

You may be asked to wear a supportive abdominal garment (abdominal binder) for about 6-8
weeks after the surgery to prevent fluid buildup. It would also help you access abdominal
support while you heal. During the healing period, you would be asked to avoid positions that
could possibly strain your incision line like quickly bending at the waist so any wound may not
get reopened.

Cost of Tummy Tuck

As far as the tummy tuck surgery cost in India from the best clinic for tummy tuck surgery in Delhi is concerned, it is and Rs 1.5 to 1.8 lacs 1.2 lacs for the Mini Tummy Tuck procedure.

Patients opting for Traditional Tummy Tuck and Extended Tummy Tuck procedures, can expect

Tummy Tuck is a specialised and complicated procedure and therefore tummy tuck surgery in
Delhi must only be performed by the best clinic for tummy tuck surgery in Delhi. If you want to
know more about the procedure or about the exact tummy tuck surgery cost in India, you may
contact us.

If you have always been looking to stay in the best shape, now is the time for you to embrace
Tummy Tuck for a more toned and slimmer appearance. Call us now

Tummy Tuck Surgery

Tummy Tuck Surgery Treatment Doctors In Rajouri Garden New Delhi​
Tummy Tuck Surgery Treatment Doctors In Rajouri Garden New Delhi​
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