Best Liposuction Surgeon In Rajouri Garden New Delhi

Best Liposuction Surgeon Doctor in Rajouri Garden New Delhi

Liposuction (also referred to as liposculpture suction, lipectomy, lipo, and lipoplasty) is a cosmetic surgery wherein a suction technique is used for removing fat from certain areas of the body like the abdomen, buttocks, arms, neck, back, flanks (love handles), neckline and the area under the chin, or thighs.

A frequently performed aesthetic surgery procedure, liposuction can help you correct deep and superficial accumulations of fat while remodelling the contour of the body. It has a great potential for its application in reconstructive and ablative surgery. In the last few years, this cosmetic procedure has gained popularity, as it is an excellent way to harvest autologous fat and adipose-derived stem cells.

The procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon as a single surgery or along with other cosmetic surgeries such as facelifts, breast reductions, and tummy tucks. It is important to note here that liposuction is neither a treatment for obesity, nor it is an overall weight-loss method. In fact, liposuction can be described as a procedure wherein fat cells are permanently removed to alter the shape of the body. Liposuction is generally advised, when a healthy lifestyle along with regular exercise, a healthy sleep schedule, and a balanced diet is unable to provide any physical health benefits.

  • Liposuction, also known as Lipo, Lipoplasty, Liposculpture Suction or Lipectomy, is a cosmetic surgical procedure that helps to remove the extra fat from the body. Some of the areas where one can get liposuction in Delhi include the abdomen, buttocks, arms, neck, thighs, back, etc.

    Liposuction treatment in Delhi can also help to correct the deep or superficial accumulations of fat in the body, whilst giving the body a more contoured and toned look and appeal. To get successful liposuction, it is important to not only consult a specialist but also consider the different factors that affect the surgery, such as the liposuction cost in Delhi.


Liposuction is an excellent choice for individuals with good skin elasticity and tone. It is a good choice for non-smokers and those within 30 percent of their ideal weight.

Liposuction is routinely not suggested to individuals who are suffering from health complications such as diabetes, a weak immune system, heart diseases, or poor blood flow.

Types of Liposuction

  • Power-assisted liposuction: It involves the transfer of lean liposuction tubes for removing all of the targeted muscles.
  • Tumescent liposuction: A commonly used procedure, Tumescent liposuction involves injecting a good quantity of medicated solutions to targeted areas of the body before the fat is removed.
  • Ultrasonic liposuction: Ultrasonic vibrations are utilised by ultrasound-assisted surgery for flipping fat cells to liquid. Thereafter, the fat cells are vacuumed out. A commonly used procedure is VASER (vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance) liposuction in which powerful waves are used for disrupting the association between fatty cells in the body. A gentle cosmetic procedure, VASER is a more controlled form of liposuction.
  • Laser-assisted liposuction: During this procedure, laser energy is utilised by laser-assisted surgery for liquefying fat cells. The fat cells are then drained out through little tubes or vacuumed out after they have been liquefied.

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